Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Vandalism? Guys not only spray paint Honda but carpark floor as well!

STOMPer Thunderstorm wonders if it's considered vandalism for two men to mess up a carpark while they were spray painting their car.

He feels that the car should have been sent to a workshop for a paint job instead.

Thunderstorm said:

"This guy is rich enough to own a Honda Civic car but they don't send their car to a workshop for a paint.

"These two guys spray painted their car at the motorcycle lots in a multi-storey carpark at Blk 308 Anchorvale, Sengkang.

"Do you notices the photo I sent in?

"The spray paint has covered the original white marking on the lot.

"This is vandalism of government property.

"Why must they be so cheapskate?"

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